

Mattheus, C. R., and Theuerkauf, E.J. 2024. Nearshore ice-complex morphodynamics within an urban embayment, Southwestern Lake Michigan: Insights from a winter 2021–2022 monitoring study. Journal of Great Lakes Research (2024): 102503.

Mattheus, C.R., Theuerkauf E.J., and Braun, K.N. 2024. Response of a sand-limited urban pocket beach to repeat decadal lake-level rise events, Southwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research (2024): 102501.

Volpano, C., Zoet, L.K., Theuerkauf, E.J., and Rawling III, J. 2024. Modelling the Influence of Landfast Ice on Nearshore Sediment Transport. Modelling the Influence of Landfast Ice on Nearshore Sediment Transport.

Bunting, E.L., Rabins, L., Theuerkauf, E.J., and Mack, E.A. 2024. Patterns of geospatial data and imagery use within coastal communities along the Great Lakes of the United States. Journal of Great Lakes Research, (2024) 102418.

Mack, E.A., Theuerkauf, E.J., Pepper, J., Norton, R.K., and Bunting, E.L. 2024. Citizen perceptions of Great Lakes coastline change and management efforts. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management. 255 (2024), 107243.

Burchi, B.M., and Theuerkauf, E.J. 2024. Comparative analysis of sandy beach and foredune geomorphic change measurements from Apple lidar and small-unoccupied aerial systems. Scientific Reports, 14 (2024), 12828.

Mattheus, C.R., Braun, K.N., and Theuerkauf, E.J. 2024. Morphodynamics and Sand Voumetric Changes within Engineered Great Lakes Pocket Beaches: Varied Responses to a Meter-scale Lake-level Rise, Chicago Lakefront. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 50 (2024), 102302.

Mattheus, C.R., Barklage, M., Braun, K.N., and Theuerkauf, E.J. 2024. Stratiographicframework and lake Holocene history of a lacustrine beach-ridge complex: Paleoclimate archives within migrating strand promontories. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 50 (2024), 102274.

Bunting, E.L., and Theuerkauf, E.J. 2024. What is a coastal hazard? Perceptions of critical coastal hazards amongst decision makers in communities across the Great Lakes. Ocean and Coastal Management, 251(2024), 107065.


Theuerkauf, E.J., Zoet, L.L., Dodge, S.E., Tuttle, W., and Rawling, J.E. III, 2023. Nearshore ice complex breakup is controlled by a balance between thermal and mechanical processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1-15.

Rabins, L.F., Theuerkauf, E.J., and Bunting, E.L. 2023. Using existing infrastructure as ground control points to support citizen science coastal UAS monitoring programs. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11.

Mattheus, C.R., Braun, K.N., and Theuerkauf, E.J. 2023. Dynamics of beach-ridge formation along a migrating strandplain with implications for paleo-environmental assessment, Illinois Beach State Park, Southwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 49(1), 147-162.


Theuerkauf, E.J., Meadows, G.A., and Meadows, L.A. 2022. Improving coastal resilience planning with respect to long-term water level fluctuations by examining decadal coastal profile behavior at sandy, harbor filet beaches along Lake Michigan. Shore and Beach, 90(3).

Dodge, S.E., Zoet, L.K., Rawling J.E. III, Theuerkauf, E.J., Hansen, D.D. 2022. Transport properties of fast ice within the nearshore. Coastal Engineering, 177, 104176.

Bunting, E.L., Theuerkauf, E.J., Rabins, L. 2022. sUAS-Based citizen science studies in geography. sUAS Applications in Geography, 24, 41-70.

Braun, K.E., Mattheus, C.R., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2022. The geomorphic role of large wood in the coastal zone: Mobilization threshold and beach morphology impacts in the North American Great Lakes. Geomorphology, 441, 108292.

Mattheus, C.R., Theuerkauf E.J., Braun, K.N. 2022. Sedimentary in-filling of an urban Great Lake’s waterfront embayment and implications for threshold-driven shoreline morphodynamics, Montrose Beach, SW Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48(5) 1147-1158.

Volpano, C.A., Zoet, L.K., Rawling, J.E. III, Theuerkauf E.J. 2022. Measuring and modelling nearshore recovery of an eroded beach in Lake Michigan, USA. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 48(3), 633-644.

Theuerkauf, E.J., Bunting, E.L., Mack, E.A., Rabins, L.A. 2022. Initial insights into the development and implementation of citizen-science drone-based coastal change monitoring program in the Great Lakes region. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48(2) 606-613.

Mattheus, C.R., K.N. Braun, E.J. Theuerkauf, Santoro, J.A. 2022. Urban pocket-beach morphodynamics along the wave-dominated southwest coast of Lake Michigan: An analysis of shoreline and sand volumetric changes. Journal of Great lakes Research, 48(1), 52-67.

Mattheus, C.R., Braun, K.N., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2022. Great lakes urban pocket-beach dynamics: A GIS-based analysis of infrastructure-design influences on geomorphic development. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48(1) 68-83.


Reif, M.K., Krumwiede, B.S., Brown, S.E., Theuerkauf, E.J., Harwood, J.H. 2021. Nearshore benthic mapping in the Great Lakes: A Multi-Agency Data Integration Approach in Southwest Lake Michigan. Remote Sensing 13(15), 3026.

Theuerkauf, E.J., Braun, K.N. 2021. Rapid water level rise drives unprecedented coastal habitat loss along the Great Lakes of North America. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(4), 945-954.

Braun, K.N., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2021. The role of short-term and long-term water level and wave variability in coastal carbon budgets . iScience 21(5) 102382.

Theuerkauf, E.J., Mattheus, C.R., Braun, K.N., Bueno, J. 2021. Patterns and processes of beach and foredune geomorphic change along a Great Lakes shoreline: Insights from a year-long drone mapping study along Lake Michigan. Shore and beach 89(2) 46-55.


Volpano, C.A., Zoet, L.K., Rawling, J.E. III, Theuerkauf, E.J., Krueger., R. 2020. Three-dimensional bluff evolution in response to seasonal fluctuations in Great Lakes water levels. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 46, 1533-1543.

Mwakanyamale, K.E., Brown, S.E., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2020. Delineating spatial distribution and thickness of unconsolidated sand along the southwest Lake Michigan shoreline using TEM and ERT geophysical methods. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 46, 1544-1558.

Rodriguez, A.B., Theuerkauf, E.J., Ridge, J.T., VanDusen, B.M. Fegley, S.R. 2020. Long-term washover fan accretion on a transgressive barrier island challenges the assumption that paleotempestites represent individual tropical cyclones. Scientific Reports, 10, 19755.

Braun, K.N., Theuerkauf, E.J., Hurtgen, M.T. Masterson, A.L. Horton, D.E. 2020. Loss-On-Ignition Estimates for Soil Organic Carbon in Great Lakes Freshwater Coastal Wetlands. Wetlands, 40, 1201-1206.

Mack, E.A., Theuerkauf, E.J., Bunting, E.L. 2020. Coastal Typology: An Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Relationship between Socioeconomic Development and Shoreline Change. Land, 9(7), 218.

Straub, J.A., Rodriguez, A.B., Luettich, R.A., Moore, L.J., Itzkin, M., Ridge, J.T., Seymour, A.C., Johnston, D.W., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2020.The role of beach state and the timing of pre-storm surveys in determining the accuracy of storm impact assessments. Marine Geology, 425.


Theuerkauf, E.J., Braun, K.N., Nelson, D.M., Kaplan, M., Vivirito, S., Williams, J.D. 2019. Coastal geomorphic response to seasonal water-level rise in the Laurentian Great Lakes: An example from Illinois Beach State Park, USA. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45, 1055-1068.

Griffith, C.A., Shang, P., Lu, Y., Theuerkauf, E.J., Rodriguez, A.B., Findlay., R.H. 2019. Agricultural land use impacts microbial community structure of streambed sediments. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 83, 225-236.

Braun, K.N., Theuerkauf, E.J., Masterson, A.L., Curry, B.B., Horton, D.E. 2019. Modeling organic carbon loss from a rapidly eroding freshwater coastal wetland. Scientific Reports, 9, 4204.


Rodriguez, A.B., Yu,W., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2018. Abrupt increase in washover deposition along a transgressive barrier island during the late nineteenth century acceleration in sea-level rise. Barrier Dynamics in Response to Changing Climate.


Theuerkauf, E.J., Rodriguez, A.B. 2017. Placing barrier-island transgression in a blue-carbon context. Earth’s Future, 5(7), 789-810.

Theuerkauf, S.J., Puckett, B.J., Theuerkauf, K.W., Theuerkauf, E.J., Eggleston, D.B. 2017. Density-dependent role of an invasive marsh grass, Phragmites australis, on ecosystem service provision. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0173007.


VanDusen, B.M., Theuerkauf, E.J., Fegley, S.R., Rodriguez, A.B. 2016. Monitoring overwash using water-level loggers resolves frequent inundation and run-up events. Geomorphology, 254, 32-40.


Ridge, J.T., Rodriguez, A.B., Fodrie, F.J., Lindquist, N.L., Brodeur, M.C., Coleman, S.E., Grabowski, J.H., Theuerkauf, E.J. 2015. Maximizing oyster-reef growth supports green infrastructure with accelerating sea-level rise. Scientific Reports, 5, 14785.

Theuerkauf, E.J., Stephens, J.D., Ridge, J.T. Fodrie, F.J., Rodriguez, A.B. 2015. Carbon export from fringing saltmarsh shoreline erosion overwhelms carbon storage across a critical width threshold. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 164, 367-378.


Fodrie, J.F., A.B. Rodriguez, C.J. Baillie, M.C. Brodeur, S.E. Coleman, R.K. Gittman, D.A. Keller, M.D. Kenworthy, A.K. Poray, J.T. Ridge, E.J. Theuerkauf, N.L. Lindquist. Classic paradigms in a novel environment: inserting food web and productivity lessons from rocky shores and saltmarshes into biogenic reef restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 13-1325. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12276

Theuerkauf, E.J., A.B. Rodriguez, S.R. Fegley, R.A. Luettich Jr. 2014. Sea level anomalies exacerbate beach erosion. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 5139-5147.

Rodriguez, A.B., F.J. Fodrie, J.T. Ridge, N.L. Lindquist, E.J. Theuerkauf, S.E. Coleman, J.H. Grabowski, M.C. Brodeur, R.K. Gittman, D.A. Keller, M.D. Kenworthy. 2014. Oyster reefs can outpace sea-level rise. Nature Climate Change, 4, 493-497.

Theuerkauf, E.J. and Ridge, J.T., 2014. Researchers Bring Local Science Into Classrooms, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95 (5), 41-42.

Theuerkauf, E.J. and Rodriguez, A.B. 2014. Evaluating proxies for estimating subaerial beach volume change across increasing time scales and various morphologies. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(5), 593-604.


Theuerkauf, E.J. and Rodriguez, A.B., 2012. Impacts of Transect Location and Variations in Along-Beach Morphology on Measuring Volume Change. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(3), 707–718; Journal of Coastal Research, 28(6), 1654–1656.

Theuerkauf, E.J. and Rodriguez, A.B., 2012. Impacts of Transect Location and Variations in Along-Beach Morphology on Measuring Volume Change, Journal of Coastal Research, 28, 707-718.